Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 31: Cookies

Kind of forcing myself to do a black and white... I used to take almost all my pics on black and white film and now I do almost all color. I need to learn how to balance these styles!


  1. HI Brandi..My name is Aude. I am French but I live in Ireland. I have 4 children and I run a Montessori playschool. I googles "Montessori blogs" and came across your profile. Anyway, just a quick word to say that I found this project fantastic. Photos as a diary.. I would have never thought about it. I am not great at taking picture but I have to say that I have been inspired by this. I might try it. One of my friends has joined a photography course and she is always taking pictures. So I put a link on her facebook page for her to check it out. Well done. By the way, this pic is one of my favourite. Idon't know why. Maybe it is the innocence that comes out of it. Or the black and white effect.. Keep up the good work!!

  2. Aw, thank you so much! It's quite the undertaking to do a project like this, but I'm finding it very rewarding too! You should try it, even if you don't feel like you are a "Photographer" I'm sure you will capture memories you wouldn't have otherwise. Thank you for your sweet comment!
